Business 2.0

December 12, 2007

Must have features for product?

There was a discussion going on for “what are the MUST HAVE use would like to see in a mobile?

I felt I should write my thought process on this, here we go!

Let me clear one thing, I don’t have any feature suggestion, However I felt I should still share this thought process. 

I think, we should ask following questions to ourselves before we decide the MUST HAVES!

 ·         What’s the greatest thing user like about any mobile? In my opinion, one of the key factor user would be looking is  “USABILITY”! 

 ·         Why people were crazy about ‘i-phone’? or for that matter any product from apple?I think, USABILITY is very very important factor whenever we consider any product in “retail consumer” market.  

·         I have even seen people changing their mobile models but don’t change their mobile company? Why?  the most probable answer would be usability … the way they “USE FEATURES” 

·         Now looking at usability, again we can drill down with few more questions!

 ·         Can we know any customer who have used or currently using *ALL* features provided by a “Product”?

I bet, we would not find many :( Again in my opinion the key is, customer doesn’t use 100% of the feature provided by product. (If you have a customer, then I believe you/your product goes into luckiest list ;) 

·         Then next question comes, If we consider that 90 % of customer doesn’t uses “ALL” feature then what most likely feature they would use? 
·         What’s “HOTTEST” feature they use? and why?  If we search the result, we might end up with 80/20  result!

It means 80 % of consumer uses “COMMON” 20 % of the features. and i think, that’s what are the MUST HAVE !  

·         Now If consider 20 % features, they might say, I can ‘write SMS easily/effectively”  now would you consider this as must have? ;)

If anyone has any other thought process or would like to criticize, please share your thoughts.


November 30, 2007

Want to create innovative Products? Tap into global brains!

Filed under: Annoucements, Articles, Innovation, Inspirational, Product, Product Management — Yogesh Hublikar @ 4:35 am


Here is an interesting article i came across about “Want to create innovative Products? Tap into global brains!” .

It gives lot insight into how innovation works at globally and how it should happen!

Happy reading!


November 28, 2007

Innovation or Surprise? Google, Microsoft, and The Red Sox

Filed under: Annoucements, Articles, Innovation, Inspirational, Interests — Yogesh Hublikar @ 9:50 am

Here is an article published by HBS.


I am writing this post on a crisp Fall morning, in a world in which Google stock has crossed $700 per share, Microsoft’s tiny stake in Facebook values the company at $15 billion, and New England’s beloved Boston Red Sox have won their second World Series in four years. If any of you can explain any of that, I’d love to hear from you in the comments section of this blog.

The only conclusion I can draw? We are living in a world full of surprises. As a company, you never know who’s going to emerge as your most important rival. As an innovator, you never know where the next great idea is going to come from. As a long-suffering baseball fan, you never know when an 86-year old drought is going to turn into a dynasty.

Indeed, that surprising reality defines the new leadership frontier for executives, entrepreneurs, and game changers of all stripes. More than ever, the most powerful source of business genius isn’t the strategic brainpower of an individual CEO or the technical chops of an inspired engineer. It is the “hidden genius” of grassroots innovators inside your organization, and the collective genius of all kinds of talented people outside your organization. Increasingly, the best ideas come from the most unexpected places.

That’s what Goldcorp’s Rob McEwen learned when he invited the whole world to help him figure out where his company should explore for gold. As an entrepreneur, Rob bought a low-performing gold mine, spent years trying to find gold where the previous owners couldn’t find it—and only succeeded when he shared his proprietary geological data with the outside world and organized an open competition to devise the best drilling strategies.

That’s what shoe designer John Fluevog learned when he applied the lessons of open-source software to the creation of high-heel shoes and knee-high boots, in a program he calls open-source footwear. He unleashed the talents of passionate customers around the world, who have designed a bunch of hot-selling new models for the hot-shot designer.

That’s what the founders of Rite-Solutions learned when they decided to create a “stock market” for ideas inside their fast-growing software company, and let anyone in the organization float an idea (in the firm of a stock), and everyone in the organization invest in ideas that they like through $10,000 of opinion money.

These are just a few examples of this game-changing approach to leadership and innovation. Have you figured out how to navigate—as a company, as an executive, as an entrepreneur—in a world in which the most powerful ideas come from the most unexpected places? Don’t be surprised if that emerges as your next big challenge.


Role of Product Manager @ SDK/API Management

Role of Product Manager @ SDK/API Management:

Objective behind having SDK for any s/w is:

  • Seamless integration with 3rd party software

  • Reduce the integration/deployment cycle.

  • Increase usability and quality of product

  • The key audience for SDK is going to be the developers and technical team. Even to add in, I believe, system integrators/partner also should come into picture! Since even some time partner also deploy the integration rather than we as a product company.

PM should consider following points in mind while dealing with SDK/API:


  • Base” product will certainly place certain requirements on the SDK, but PM better be listening to the customers who use this SDK – as folks who are doing the development / integration, who would know better what features or services are needed.

  • Important to specify functional requirements before working on the API signatures and how they’re accessed!

  • PM better be getting pretty involved in the API definition!  PM doesn’t need to define the exact names of the function calls, parameters, etc – but PM  should probably be getting involved in the  “spirit” of API, what language its written in, how high or low level is the API (or do you provide multiple types of access routines), etc.  all an all, PM have to find the right balance for your product, your customer/market and your engineering/development team! one of the challenges here is knowing where to draw the line!


  • PM should know where your SDK product need to be headed?  Ultimately PM need to get feedback from the various constituents (customers, partners, internal developers) and develop the appropriate strategy.

  • An SDK can create some very important strategic options for your product/company.  A real good example right now is the Apple iPhone and the SDK.  Take a look at what has happened with the iPhone platform in the absence of a proper SDK – the community has found a way to get on without it and create some very interesting, compelling and valuable applications.  Apple has not yet rolled out an SDK, but has announced plans to do so early next year.  Now, as an iPhone user I hope I don’t have to pay Apple for each and every application I want on the phone, and I do like the idea of a more “open” environment, but I also see value in the “controls” that we all expect to turn up there…..


  • APIs need to be designed with a long lifespan. Hence, the PM and their engineering counterparts need to give a lot of thought about the current and future direction not only of the product but the APIs they produce.

  • In API management, PM now not only care about the end features provided, but also how those end features get to the customer… what your customer will be interacting with daily (the API) to get value out of your “whole” product.

  • Related to the longevity of the API is the usability of the API.  This is somewhat subjective, but just as a PM should emphasize usability, a PM working on APIs must spend as much time on ensuring that the APIs are usable and follow standard convention.

  • Deprecating APIs can be a sensitive issue as it has a significant impact on customers. Changing your APIs from release to release can annoy our customers! Valid reasons for migrate to the new API include: – the old API is insecure, buggy, or highly inefficient – the old API is going away in a future release – the old API encourages very bad coding practices Not all of these reasons are of equal weight, yet deprecation is a reasonable (though not mandatory) choice in all these cases. Therefore, the use of deprecated APIs can never be made a hard error by default. Also, the deprecation comments need to help the user decide when to move to the new API, and so should briefly mention the technical reasons for deprecation. When a feature is deprecated, it is a good idea to notify the engineering organization of this fact, so that other engineers can respond to the change (pro or con) in a timely manner.


  • Do not underestimate documentation, sample applications, and if possible provide/support a “developer community”.

November 20, 2007

Are Product Managers Born or Made?

An interesting webinar @


September 12, 2007

Article: Recruiting Product Managers

This was copied from ‘The Silicon Valley Product Management Group’ by Marty Cagan…————————-Probably the single most common question I get from CEO’s is where
to find great product managers?
I tell them that often they’re already in their organization, hiding
under a different title – maybe a software engineer, designer, or an
SE – just waiting to be discovered. But whether you recruit product
managers from inside or outside, the easiest way to spot them is to have
a clear understanding of the characteristics to look for. So in this
note I’ll enumerate the specific traits and skills you’re
looking for:

Personal Traits and Attitude

Most skills can be learned, however there are some traits that are very
difficult to teach, and as such they should form the foundation of any
search for a product manager.

– Product Passion

There are some people out there that just love products. Not
necessarily every type of product, but also not just a single type of
product. Great product managers have a love and respect for good
products, no matter where they come from, and they live to create them.

This passion for product is an essential ingredient as it will often be
called upon to provide the motivation to get through the many very
difficult challenges, and long hours, of defining a great product.
Further, the product manager will need to inspire the rest of the
product team, and the passion for a product is contagious.

It is fairly easy to determine whether or not you are talking to such a
person by simply asking them what some of their favorite products are
and why. It is hard to feign passion; the insincerity comes through.
Ask for examples from different domains. Ask what they would improve on
their favorite product if they were the product manager. Ask about bad
products too.

– Customer Empathy

The ideal product manager does not necessarily have to come from your
target market (there are pros and cons to this), but they absolutely
need to be able to empathize with your target market. This trait is
often difficult to find in high-technology companies trying to produce
mass-market products. We tend to want to think of our users as we think
of ourselves and our friends. However, the target market very likely has
quite different values, priorities, perceptions, tolerances and

Ask the candidates about the target market, and how they believe they
might be different from themselves. Try and detect how the candidate
feels about the target market, and most importantly, does the candidate
respect and empathize with that target market, or does he view his job
as “enlightening” the target market.

This is doubly important for international products, or those products
targeted at specific countries or cultures. There are many
similarities, and many differences, between cultures. Many of the
differences are incidental and not important to defining products.
However, some of the differences are essential. Does the candidate you
are talking to have enough understanding of the target market to know
which is which?

– Intelligence

There is really no substitute for innate intelligence. The successful
product manager must be able to learn very quickly. Product management
is about insights and judgment, both of which require a sharp mind.
Hard work is also necessary, but for this job, it is not sufficient.

Hiring very smart people is harder than it sounds. Much depends on the
strength and security of the hiring manager. Hiring smart people speaks
to the company culture which is another important topic in its own
right, but suffice it to say here that if your goal is a truly good
product, it is simply not going to happen if you can’t find a truly
bright product manager.

Assuming you are anxious to find the brightest, most insightful person
possible, one technique is to drill in on problem solving. Microsoft is
famous for their very intensive and effective interviewing for
intelligence based on problem solving. The technique is to use one or
more experts in some topic to drill the candidate on a problem. The
interviewer is not looking so much at whether or not the candidate
simply knows the right answer (knowledge rather than intelligence), but
rather, how well they deal with not knowing the answer. How does the
candidate work out problems? When the candidate comes up with a
solution, the interviewer changes the question somewhat and asks what
the candidate would do then. This is done continuously until the
candidate must force herself to deal with a scenario she doesn’t
know the answer to, and then she is asked to verbalize how she would go
about solving that problem. With practice, this can be a very effective
technique in assessing a candidate’s problem solving capability.

Another approach is to ask two or three people in your organization who
are well known for their intellectual prowess, and ask them to interview
this person, and help you determine the candidate’s problem solving

– Work Ethic

Not every role in the product team requires the same level of commitment
and effort. However, the product manager role is not for someone who is
afraid of hard work. It comes along with the responsibility. The
product manager is the person ultimately responsible for the success of
the product, and this burden weighs heavily on the successful product

Even when skills such as time management and the techniques of product
management are mastered, the successful product manager is still
consumed with the product. Can you have a family and a non-work life
and be a successful product manager? I believe you can. At least once
you have some experience. But there are many people that want to be
able to work 40 hours a week and most importantly, leave their work
problems at the office when they leave at the end of the day. This
unfortunately is not the life of the successful product manager.

I believe in being very frank with candidate product managers about the
level of effort required for successful product management. But to be
perfectly clear, it is not about requiring the product manager to work
certain hours – if you have to actually ask or tell the product
manager to come in during a critical point you have the wrong person for
the job.

It should also be emphasized that the level of effort and commitment is
not uniform throughout the lifecycle of the project. There are certain
phases that are much more intense than others. What won’t change
for the successful product manager is the degree to which they care and
worry about their product and the lengths they are willing to go to
ensure its success.

– Integrity

This trait also relates to the company culture, but of all the members
of the product team, the product manager most needs to reflect the
values of the company and the product. In most organizational
structures, the product manager does not directly manage the people on
the project team, and as such, he can’t simply direct the people to
do his bidding. Rather, he must work by influencing those on the team.
This persuasion is done by mutual trust and respect.

This trust and respect is built over time by the successful product
manager demonstrating the traits and skills of a strong product team
leader. If the product manager is not perceived to have integrity, or
honesty, or fairness when dealing with his teammates, then the product
manager will not have the degree of collaboration and team effectiveness
that he needs to get the job done.

The product manager may not be an expert in every role of the product
team, but he should have a deep understanding and respect for what each
team member is responsible for, and he should be willing and able to
trust those people to do their job.

As the main interface between the product team and both the executive
team and the sales organization, the product manager is often put in
difficult situations, such as being asked to deliver products earlier,
or with special features for large customers. The product team will
watch closely how the product manager handles these situations.

As with intelligence, assessing someone’s integrity can be
difficult. For candidates with previous experience as product managers,
they can be asked about how they dealt with the stresses in past
products. Press for details of particular situations; what made the
situation hard and how was it dealt with?

– Confidence

Many people think of confidence as a result of experience. However,
while experience may be a prerequisite for confidence, many very
experienced product managers simply do not project confidence (you can
sometimes find brand new college graduates simply bursting with
confidence, although this is generally the confidence that comes from
not yet knowing what they’re in for).

Confidence becomes an important trait in that the entire product team,
executive team and sales organization is looking to the product manager
to convince them that what they are investing their time and money and
careers in will be successful. There will be many difficulties along the
way, and during these times of stress especially the product manager is
looked to for inspiration.

It is important that the product manager be able to project confidence,
to be able to remind the team and organization why the product will be
successful, and why the vision is a good one. In communicating
persuasively, confidence is a critical ingredient.

– Communication Skills

While communication skills can, for the most part, be learned, it can
take years to become an effective speaker or writer, and these skills
will be required from the start. As discussed above, the product
manager influences others by persuasion rather than authority –
making his case by communicating either through writing, speaking, or

Speaking skills can partially be assessed during the interview itself,
but written skills should be assessed specifically. I like to suggest
that product manager candidates bring in examples of written material
such as white papers or strategic documents.

While good communication skills are absolutely essential, it is
important to emphasize that speaking with an accent, or minor
grammatical issues with a non-native language, do not constitute poor
communication skills. The person must speak clearly enough to be easily
understood, and write powerfully enough to persuade, but perfect
pronunciation or grammar is not required.

– Attitude

The successful product manager sees himself as the CEO of the product.
He takes full responsibility for the product, and does not make excuses.
The successful product manager knows he is ultimately responsible for
the success of the product. More importantly, he knows that there are
many very valid reasons for the product to not ship, or fail in the
market when it does – the product is too difficult to build, it will
take too long to get to market, it will cost too much, it will be too
complicated, etc. – but he knows it is his job to see that each and
every one of these obstacles is overcome.

This does not mean that he micromanages the product team, or that he
tries to do it all himself, but rather than he is quick to take the
blame if something goes wrong, and equally quick to give credit to the
rest of the team when it goes well. The successful product manager
knows that it is through the rest of the team that his product vision
will become a reality, but that it is his product vision they are


In order to succeed at the job of product management, there are several
skills that are important. If the person has the right personal traits,
I believe all of these skills can be learned:

– Applying Technology

One reason many successful product managers come from the engineering
ranks is that a big part of defining a successful product is in
understanding new technology and seeing how it might be applied to help
solve a relevant problem.

While you don’t need to be able to invent or implement the new
technology yourself in order to be a strong product manager, you do need
to be comfortable enough with the technology that you can understand it
and see its potential applications.

There are many ways to develop this skill. Taking classes, reading
books and articles, and talking with engineers and architects can all
help you learn. Ask the senior engineers on your product team what they
would recommend as ways to learn more about the technology
possibilities. Brainstorming sessions with the engineering team is
another way to learn how new technologies might be applied.

– Focus

“The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.”
There are so many distractions out there, especially for the product
manager trying to create a product that customers will love. The ability
to keep the focus on the key problem to be solved, and not to succumb to
creeping featurism, or the loud voices of a few key people or customers,
requires tremendous discipline – both company discipline and
personal discipline.

The truth is that nearly every product has features that are not really
all that important – if the features were never there it would not
significantly impact the sales or customer satisfaction. Much more
often, if the features were not there, the product would be better for
it as more users could comprehend and appreciate the resulting simpler
product. Focus will help you reduce the number of cluttering features,
reduce the time it takes you to build the product, and therefore the
time it takes you to get to market.

– Time Management

In today’s e-mail, instant message, and cell-phone based world, it
is so very easy to come in to work early in the morning, work
frantically all day even skipping food, and then head for home well into
the night, not having actually accomplished anything important for your
product. That is because you have spent the day chasing fires and
working on “urgent” items.

It is absolutely essential to get very skilled at distinguishing that
which is important from that which is urgent, and to learn to prioritize
and plan your time. If you can’t manage to get the time to focus on
those tasks which are truly important to your product, your product will

I have known too many product managers that burn themselves out with
70-hour weeks and the worst part is when I tell them that they’re
not actually doing their job. The natural response is that they just
don’t have any more time and can’t work any harder. I then go
into my lecture on time management and working smarter. So much of what
these people spend time doing is avoidable.

– Written Skills

Product managers spend a great deal of time writing – composing
e-mails, specs, white papers, strategy papers, data sheets, competitive
product reviews, and more. The successful product manager is only
taking the time to write these if he believes people are going to read
them, and since they are going to be read, they need to do their job
well, which is typically to describe, educate and/or persuade.

Being able to write clear and concise prose is a skill that product
managers use every day. The successful product manager realizes that the
readers of his writings are constantly evaluating him based on his
writings. Especially with senior management, sometimes these writings
are all they have to go on.

– Presentation Skills

The other major form of communication that product managers frequently
need to do is a presentation. Presenting in front of a group is hard for
many people. Presenting effectively is even harder. Yet this is an
important skill for a product manager since many of the most important
events in the life of a product require the product manager to stand up
in front of company executives or major customers or the company sales
force and in the short time you have, explain what your product is about
and why it is important.

We have all sat through terrible presentations, with slide after endless
slide; the speaker simply reading the bullets; people straining to read
the too-small print; meaningless graphics; and being unclear what the
key messages actually are and why you should care.

In contrast, the successful product manager has a minimal number of
slides; he is engaging, clearly knowledgeable and passionate about his
product, he speaks clearly and to the point, his slides provide relevant
supporting data for what he is saying, and he has unambiguously stated
his main points, and what he needs from the audience after the
presentation. His presentation finishes early, he entertains questions
and if he can’t provide a clear, useful answer immediately he
follows up diligently and promptly with the questioner, and if
appropriate, the entire audience.

– Business Skills

Finally, business skills are also important for the product manager. As
the main interface with the rest of the company, the product manager
will need to work with company finance staff, marketing people, sales,
and executive management, and the language and concepts that these
people deal with.

I sometimes talk of product managers as needing to be bilingual. They
need to be able to converse equally well with engineers about technology
as with executives and marketers about cost structures, margins, market
share, positioning and brand.

This is one reason why so many product managers are recruited out of
business school. The product organization knows that they need someone
that can talk the language of the business side, so they hire an MBA. I
have known some great product managers that have come through the MBA
path, but if you’re read this far, you know that the business skills
are but one part of the mix required for a successful product manager,
and they can certainly be learned. It is at least as common that an
engineer moves into product management and acquires the business skills
required by reading books, taking courses, and getting coaching and
assistance from mentors in the finance and marketing organizations.

So where do you find these people?

After reading this list of traits and skills, you may be thinking that
such people are extremely rare. They are rare – about as rare as
good products are. But few hires you make will be as critical as your
product managers, so it is worthwhile to interview for these
characteristics and to set the bar high.

There are different schools of thought on recruiting product managers.
Many companies think that all you need is someone from the marketing
organization or someone with an MBA. In the old-school definition of
product manager as product marketing, this may have been true, but this
is a recipe for failure today.

Many companies prefer MBA’s from top business schools that have a
technical undergraduate degree combined with applicable industry
experience. This can work well if you keep in mind that a problem with
MBA programs, even from the top-tier schools, is that they almost never
teach product management, so it is dangerous to assume that the recent
MBA grad has any idea of how to be a product manager.

My favorite source for product managers is to look for people with the
characteristics described above and then use training, an informal
mentoring program, and/or a formal employee development program to
develop these people into strong product managers. Such people might be
found virtually anywhere in the company. I’ve seen outstanding
product managers come out of engineering, technical support,
professional services, product marketing, sales, and the user community.
Often these people will approach management asking how they can get more
involved in the product. It can also be useful for senior management to
approach top performers from across the company about the possibility of
product management, as this can be essential experience for those on an
executive track.

I’ve written earlier about running a good interview process
blog/files/microsoft_advantage.html), but there have been
some great posts on general hiring practices recently. My favorite is:

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Personality Types in Product Management – Survey

Filed under: Annoucements, Articles, General News, Product, Product Management, Survey — Yogesh Hublikar @ 5:20 pm

 A new survey was posted at .  This anonymous survey explores the link between the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicators and the various roles in product management.  Before completing this survey you must determine your Myers-Briggs personality type indicator. To learn more about the Myers-Briggs personality type indicator, please visit The Myers and Briggs Foundation.  There are several abbreviated online tests that are based on Carl Jung’s and Isabel Myers-Briggs’ methodology. Average time to complete an online test is twenty minutes. Examples below:
Personality Test #1 (statments approach)
Personality Test #2 (questions approach)

August 28, 2007

The Last Word on Layoffs: Evidence on Costs and Implementation Practices

Filed under: Annoucements, Articles, Finance, General News — Yogesh Hublikar @ 4:25 pm

 Here is the interesting article i found on HBR.

 Please readby!


Posted by Bob Sutton on July 31, 2007 11:32 PM in Harward Business Review

Over the last two weeks (1, 2), I’ve looked at some of the best ways to manage layoffs. A study by Christopher Zatzick and Rick Iverson of Simon Fraser University, published in the Academy of Management Journal last October, adds an interesting twist. They found that layoffs have the most negative effects on subsequent performance in “high involvement” workplaces. These are workplaces where employees have more decision-making authority and responsibility and greater emphasis is placed on the importance of human beings compared to traditional workplaces. As Zatzick and Iverson conclude, this finding makes sense, because when members of an organization have been treated especially humanely, given substantial authority, and persistently told how much they are valued, layoffs violate the “psychological contract” between the organization and its people. In contrast, organizations that have a history of treating employees in less humane ways and giving them less power, and then do involuntary layoffs, aren’t breaking any implicit or explicit psychological contract — employees don’t have as much reason to believe that such treatment is breaking any promises. This may all sound like evidence that “no good deed goes unpunished.” But Zatzick and Iverson did find that high involvement companies that stuck to their practices during downsizing rebounded more quickly than those companies that abandoned high involvement practices after implementing layoffs. So two lessons emerge from this research:1. If you run a “high involvement” or especially humane organization, layoffs will do more initial harm than if your organization uses more traditional practices. So it is especially essential to use layoffs as a last resort when you have a history of treating people well. 2. If you do feel forced to implement layoffs, stick with the high involvement work practices. Productivity will recover more quickly than if you abandon such practices. More generally, a large body of research (see Jeffrey Pfeffer’s book The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First) suggests that when organizations treat their people well (in terms of pay, empowerment, respect, using layoffs as a last resort, and so on), they will consistently outperform competitors over the long haul. Such research suggests that when leaders see employees as replaceable cogs in the organizational machine, as little more than “units of production,” they are not only denying the humanity of their people, they are also are likely to cost their companies — and themselves — some serious money down the road. P.S. For more on this topic, I recommend reading The Disposable American: Layoffs and Their Consequences, by Louis Uchitelle.

Lead Change–Successfully, 3rd Edition (HBR Article Collection)
Winning Your Employees’ Trust (HBR Article Collection)
Managing Change (Interactive CD-ROM)

August 1, 2007

Hhow information technology can help us in our daily living?

Filed under: Annoucements, Innovation, Interests, Service — Yogesh Hublikar @ 1:46 pm

I’ve been thinking long time about, how information technology can help us in our daily living?  Or Make it much better?I didn’t find an answer! However, when further thought down, realized that “Finding the right problem” might be the key to innovation!This blog has been created to address and list down all such problems we face in our day today life;However, currently we may not have any solution to it!Hereby, I encourage everyone, who visits this site, from any part of the world, request you to post your problem. I really believe, someone, somewhere, definitely will think about it and will have some solution or if not might think that direction.This site has been mainly created to encourage innovations!  The more we post our problems, the more innovations will happen!

Let’s think and post more,

-Yogesh Hublikar

June 29, 2007

New Product Management “Answers” section on LinkedIn

Filed under: Annoucements, Articles, Product, Product Management — Yogesh Hublikar @ 1:10 pm .

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